Alabama Food Banks >> Dothan Food Assistance

Food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries in Dothan AL

Wiregrass Area United Way FB
Dothan, AL 36303
Details: The Wiregrass Area United Way Food Bank is a non-profit hunger relief charity that solicits and collects surplus food. The Food Bank stores and distributes this food to agencies primarily feeding the needy in a six-county service area that includes Houston, Henry, Dale, Geneva, Coffee, and Barbour counties, as well as parts of northwest Florida and southwest Georgia. We are an independent non-profit, with paid staff, volunteers, and a board of directors. Operating from a 22,000 square foot warehouse with refrigerated storage, and networked through Feeding America, the Food Bank can access food and other assorted grocery products, and operate at a minimal cost. As a result, member non-profit agencies that utilize the Food Bank are able to conduct their food programs in a cost effective manner. No donated food is ever sold by the Food Bank or by any member agency. Food recipients incur no cost for food assistance. A shared maintenance fee (SMF) assessed to affiliate agencies helps to support the Wiregrass Area United Way Food Bank. Additional financial support is generously donated from churches, civic clubs, businesses and concerned citizens.
Columbia Baptist Ministry Center
Dothan, AL 36301
Details: The Columbia Baptist Ministry Center exists for the purpose of meeting the physical, material, social and spiritual needs of people through the churches of the Columbia Baptist Association in cooperation with other local service agencies.
Dothan Vineyard Church - Living Hope Community Outreach Center
Dothan, AL 36302
Details: Living Hope is our downtown mission, with the goal of having a presence of the love of God in the middle of our city. We assist individuals and families with food, clothing, furniture, free meals, GED and tutoring classes, prayer ministry, spiritual direction etc. It is staffed with all volunteers.